About Us
Pratt’s Pet Store has been servicing the valley since 1936. We service all kinds of pet owners and breeders. We stock all kinds of pet foods and supplies and we also have many live animals like puppies, exotic birds, chickens, bunnies and reptiles.
Pratt's History
Emerson Wilcken Pratt 1901- 2001 originally started the Pratt’s Feed business. Emerson, originally born in Chihuahua, Mexico, moved to Arizona as a young man when his family was forced out by the infamous Pancho Villa. Emerson farmed land in Phoenix until the Great Depression forced him to sell when the mortgage bank went broke. He then began to work for the Farmers Co-operative and was soon made Manager. When the store began to show a profit the owner offered Emerson the opportunity to purchase the business. Pratt’s Feed and Supply was born. Pratt’s Feed serviced many local cattle and chicken farmers by supplying them with animal feeds. Pratt’s Pets Store continues service local animal owners of all kinds and is often called “Your Neighborhood Zoo” because of the many animals that Pratt’s Pets carries.